New Moon at 20º of Sagittarius. 12/12/2023

“I know what "nothing" means, and keep on playing.” - Joan Didion

The New Moon in Sagittarius arrives on December 12th and is the last New Moon of 2023. This lunation takes place at the darkest time of the year, when the days are the shortest and we are on our way to the Winter Solstice to turn yet another corner in the wheel of time. Mercury in Capricorn is barely moving, preparing to turn retrograde just hours after the New Moon, thus the beginnings in some ways are about going back and crystallizing our goals and the drive behind those goals. Jupiter is the ruler of the lunation is also retrograde, expect that seeds planted will only show signs of growth in the beginning of 2024, when both Jupiter and Mercury are direct. Slow start is a blessing.

The Sagittarius lunations are often about our greater goals and plans, about the need for expansion and attainment of truth, about the revolt against dogma and the return to the universal laws of existence. Here we need to stop looking at things by holding them really close to us, we need to walk away far enough to see clearly, the birds eye view of one’s life is necessary, attachments to the vision of how the unfolding is happening is detrimental to the expansion.

The New Moon is forming a square to Neptune in Pisces that just turned direct and is very slow. This has to do with surrendering to the timing of our soul desires and larger than life dreams coming into earthly realm. The ruler of both the lunation and Neptune in Pisces, Jupiter, is retrograde in Taurus. Patience is the key of not falling into one of the Neptunian traps, patience is what Jupiter in Taurus is trying to teach us. One of the traps is to jump off the cliff because of the mounting pressure, another is to refuse to look at the cliff from which sooner or later you’ll have to jump. Do yourself justice by pinpointing where on this scale you are, and slowly plan for a leap.

This New Moon forms a trine to North Node in Aries and with Mars in Sagittarius in a wide conjunction with the lunation, we need to define courage for ourselves and understand how it is essential for the lives we intend to build, for the paths we are yet to explore and for justice we need to uphold. This trine helps us to see the bigger picture about the battles worth fighting, about exercising our divine will when it comes to upholding the universal laws. The sextile to the South Node in Libra is about releasing a set of man made laws that are nothing more then a shell of politeness and ignorance. Also apply this to your personal life, where you do not act in alignment with your desires, needs and values in favor of the rules made by society that have very little interest in your truth or your freedom. 

Sagittarius energy is about learning all over again what hope means to us, it is about understanding that death is a call to uphold life, it is a radical passage into one's truth, into life the way it was intended. Sagittarius teaches us a lesson on the dangers of self deception, for as long as we lie to ourselves, the world will respond in the same manner, with theater and illusions. The Universal Law requires inner honesty, or the lessons will be taught to us in the form of outer dishonesty. Happy New Moon, Lovers.


Winter Solstice. Capricorn Season 2023


Sun conjunct Mars at 25º of Scorpio. 11/17/2023