New Moon in Aquarius. 02/09/2024

The uncomfortably inevitable freedom. 

The New Moon in Aquarius arrives on Friday evening and she is calling to the parts within us that are hungry for the radically new passages, the parts that are inherently rebellious and are ready to stir us out of the stagnation and complacency. Rebellious attitude in life can be the sweetest thing, if one does not correlate it to some mental construct or behavioral choice. Because rebelliousness is not a choice, it is an essence that moves us from a dream state to a present state, and that essence requires protection, especially now. This lunation speaks of greater respect for holding our unique space here and now and the recognition of all the other space holders in this time of painful clarity. 

The first Aquarius lunation after Pluto’s ingression into the fixed air domain opens a vast space for us to reflect on how many of our ideas, dreams and long term goals stay dormant because time is seen as an adversary, a fear inducing construct. Aquarius is closely associated with freedom and revolution, and our limiting relationship with time is the main obstacle here. To rebel against these limiting narratives around time is to liberate the reservoir of inner resources and visions that are seeking to be brought into the light. The Aquarius archetype in its highest form is expanded by time, not defeated by it, and Pluto is here to make us see it. It takes a very special relationship to time to dare to bring our highest dreams to reality.

This lunation forms an almost exact square to Uranus in Taurus. This square speaks of a need for new solutions and unorthodox ways of creating value systems that hold the multiplicity of visions, and simultaneously recognize the inherent right for every vision holder to execute their unique one. How much space is needed for that, how much space do we require to hold another one fully? Uranus in Taurus here acts as a reminder that revolution devoid of joy, connection and ability to hold the multitudes is a guaranteed way of coming back to the same spot. The joy we have been gradually separating from in the face of mental doom uprising for the greater part of our lives demands attention now.

As we are going to be left to our own devices in this process, we are going to get real uncomfortable with the inevitability of freedom. When the last illusion about being protected by the structures in place goes, a new kind of unfamiliar freedom takes over. Reconciling the concept of freedom and the concept of safety is another task placed before us. Getting to the root, the moment in time when we created an opposition between these two concepts in our mind holds a key to the integration. This square aspect is setting us up for a month of gradual, committed and at times uncomfortable unfoldings, as we start to see the illusion of safety and the sacrifices we have made for this illusion.  

This is a Saturn ruled lunation, the lord of time and limitation is placed in Pisces, testing our ability to stay hopeful and trusting the future that is unfolding in front of our eyes. Our patience and fortitude needs to be applied to preserving compassion as we clearly and bluntly see the lack of compassion and recognition of our collective humanity by the structures in power. Raging compassion is a force. To deeply care in the midst of long running narratives of neglect and devaluation is our only lifeline.


Full Moon in Virgo. 02/24/2024


Mercury, Mars and Venus conjunct Pluto in Aquarius.